St Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh, Sunday 27th January 2013
“Jesus rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the assistant
and sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him” (Luke 4:20 ).

For that reason, today is a day of immense joy for the
Diocese of Cloyne and indeed for the Catholic Church in all of Ireland ;
a new Bishop to lead the Church in Cloyne begins his ministry today, following
upon the ministry of Bishop John Magee. On behalf of the Holy Father, I
would like to thank in a special way Archbishop Dermot Clifford for his
generous and tireless work as Apostolic Administrator over these last three and
a half years.
The joy we feel today underlies our experience of the
liturgy. The normal rhythm of the celebration of Mass is interrupted, as
it were, by the Rite of Ordination, and that interruption has already begun,
even before the reading of the scroll from the Holy Father. It began with
the Church’s calling upon the Holy and live-giving Spirit of God, “Come creator
Spirit,” in the words of the ancient liturgical hymn Veni Creator Spiritus,
a sung prayer in which Church asks the Spirit of the Lord come upon Canon Crean
with fire, with love, with spiritual anointing, so that enemy of our souls may
be driven away. The Church entrusts herself to the power of the Holy
The very first verses of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, speak
about how the Spirit of God hovered over the formless waters (cf. Gen 1:2),
before there was anything at all. That presence of the power of God was
the prelude to the work of creation, even before God said “let there be
light.” That same Spirit of God overshadowed the Blessed Virgin Mary, and
God became man, the Word became flesh, as a tiny and defenceless child in her
womb. It is that Holy and creative Spirit of God, which makes all things new,
that now comes upon a man, a priest, our brother and our friend, and makes him
something new: an apostle, a shepherd, a Bishop of Christ’s Church.
Homily continued here: Catholic Bishops Ireland - Homily of Archbishop Charles Brown
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