"The events in Woolwich yesterday have shocked us all.
First and foremost, our prayers are with Lee Rigby, his family and friends.
"At this time it is vital for people of all faiths to
show real solidarity in their rejection of violence and in their commitment to
peace. In particular it is vital that we build on the excellent relations we
have between faith communities in this country, not least with the Muslim
"The words of Pope John Paul II in 1986 resound more
clearly than ever: 'Dialogue between Christians and Muslims is today more
necessary than ever. It flows from our fidelity to God and supposes that we
know how to recognise God by faith, and to witness to him by word and deed.'
That spirit of mutual respect is vital for the future."
+Kevin McDonald
Chair of the Bishops' Conference Office for Interreligious Dialogue
Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark
Chair of the Bishops' Conference Office for Interreligious Dialogue
Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark
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