The Government is proposing to introduce legislation for the
first time in Irish history which will provide for the direct and intentional
ending of the life of innocent human beings. Few other actions of a
Government undermine our values as a people more profoundly. It is always
gravely wrong to deliberately end or destroy a human life or to facilitate this
through legislation. On Saturday last, tens of thousands of women, men
and children gathered in Dublin to
express their support for the equal right to life of mothers and their unborn

The Bill is not necessary to ensure that women receive the
life-saving treatments they need during pregnancy. The medical treatment
of mothers whose lives are in danger is always morally permissible even if this
results in the unintended death of a child in the womb. The Catholic
Church has never taught that the life in the womb should be preferred to that
of the mother. Current law and medical guidelines in Ireland
allow nurses and doctors in Irish hospitals to apply this vital distinction in
practice. People supporting abortion are blurring the distinction between
medical intervention and an abortion which is the direct ending of the life of
the unborn child.
The Government is under no obligation to legislate for
the X case. It is certain, as has happened in all other countries, that
over time this legislation will be interpreted in an ever more permissive
way. There is no such thing as a restrictive abortion regime. Every
citizen, not just people of faith, should be deeply
There is no clinical research or textbooks in psychiatry
which support the idea that abortion is an appropriate treatment for
suicide. The vast majority of psychiatrists at the recent hearings,
regardless of their pro-life or pro-choice leanings, testified that abortion
was never an appropriate, never mind a necessary, treatment for pregnant women
with suicidal intent. The Government is not listening to the views of
those who oppose abortion. It is indeed a tragedy for our society when we
regard the deliberate destruction of a completely innocent person as a cure or
a morally acceptable response to the preventable death of another person.
If, for example, a woman threatened suicide because she believed herself
unable to care for her recently delivered baby, I am certain that she would not
consider ending the life of the baby.

Our public representatives should remember that they are
voting for a Bill without limits and that there is no opt-out clause for
Catholic hospitals and healthcare workers. Not even Britain ,
with its permissive abortion laws, goes this far. Also, those public
representatives who represent us, through the mandate we have conferred on
them, are not allowed to exercise their right of freedom of conscience in
relation to how they vote on this issue. No one has the right to coerce people
to act against their conscience. This is the foundation of a free and
civilized society. I recall the words of Saint Thomas More, Chancellor of
England: “I die the King’s good servant, but God’s first”. We admire the
courage of this brave man. People should exercise their right to make
their views known respectfully to those who represent us and leave them in no
doubt where they stand on this issue.
I am also asking you to pray for mothers and their
unborn babies that they will continue to be protected, cherished and
safeguarded from all harm and that our legislators will provide clarity in the
form of guidelines for current medical practice that do not envisage the direct
and intentional killing of the unborn and which will be legally, medically and
morally acceptable.
Praying the Lord’s blessing on you and all at this
particular time.
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
+John Buckley,
Bishop of Cork
and Ross.
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