“A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which
will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily
prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life,
from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every
family and from the heart of every believer.” ~ Blessed Pope John Paul II,
Evangelium Vitae, no. 100
On Saturday the 8th June, a Pro Life rally will take place in Dublin and I hope it will be a very successful rally. We also need to remember to Pray for the protection of life in our country. As Bl. John Paul II said, 'a great prayer for life is needed' but how do we respond to that ? Precious Life, the pro life organisation based in the North of Ireland regularly have the 40 Days Prayer and Fasting for Life campaign which also takes place regularly throughout many other countries. This is a very powerful method of prayer for life because it also includes sacrifice and penance. The most recent 40 Days organised by Precious Life, for the protection of the unborn in Ireland started on the 12th May and ends on the 10th June, next Monday. But we continue to pray and also make sacrifices for the intention to protect life from conception to natural death.
The Catholic Communications Office (Bishops Conference) issued Newsletters for the Protection of Life which are available for every Parish over a period of ten weeks. Unfortunately many Parishes have not seen it yet, despite its now entering its third week. We must remember that as Catholics and Christians we have an obligation to protect the life of the unborn child and all those who are weak and vulnerable in our society. We need to engage with one another as a community in this effort for Life and to appreciate and encourage the efforts of others. The third newsletter is out now, please go to the attached link
Choose Life 2013 -Newsletter 3
Choose Life 2013 -Newsletter 3
In Mt. St. Josephs Cistercian Monastery, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary there will be two hours of Adoration tomorrow evening (Friday 7th June) from 6pm to 8pm, to pray for the protection of the life of the unborn child.
And also tomorrow we celebrate the great Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We pray then with Faith and Trust in God who can do all things for those who trust Him. Because God can do anything, but it is up to us to have faith in Him. Jesus could not work miracles in His home town due to the unbelief of those who lived there. We need to remember this depends on us and our faith in God, who is the creator of all Life. He waits for us to respond and believe.
- Anne
And also tomorrow we celebrate the great Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We pray then with Faith and Trust in God who can do all things for those who trust Him. Because God can do anything, but it is up to us to have faith in Him. Jesus could not work miracles in His home town due to the unbelief of those who lived there. We need to remember this depends on us and our faith in God, who is the creator of all Life. He waits for us to respond and believe.
- Anne
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