In 716 AD he began missionary work in the area of
present-day Northern Holland . Declining the offer to
become Abbot of Nursling, St. Boniface went to Rome
in 719 and was commissioned by Pope Gregory II to be a missionary to Germany .
At that point, he was given the name "Boniface" meaning "meaning
maker of good". In his missionary work, St. Boniface was assisted by Saint
Albinus, Saint Abel, and Saint Agatha. During his mission in Germany ,
St. Boniface destroyed idols and pagan temples, and built churches on the sites
to erase the false worship and establish worship of the True God. In 722, St.
Boniface was consecrated a bishop.
Much ofGermany
had very little knowledge of true Christianity. St. Boniface became bishop of Mainz
and did amazing things for the Church in Germany
by helping to spread the Faith. Boniface
was called upon to lend his own support to Frankish
Church which was also sadly in need
of reform. He set up councils and syonds and instituted reforms which
revitalized the Church there.
Much of
At 73, a time when most are thinking of rest and
relaxation, Boniface headed back to Friesland on a new
mission. One day in 754 while he was awaiting some confirmands, an enemy band
attacked his camp. Although his companions wanted to fight, Boniface told them
to trust in God and to welcome death for the faith. All of them were
martyred. Boniface is known as the Apostle of Germany
Almighty God, the martyr Saint Boniface
sealed with his blood the faith he preached.
Let him pray
that we may hold fast to the faith
and profess it courageously in our lives.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
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