The Catholic Primate in waiting has hit out
at attempts to marginalise the Church from the public square and defended its
right to make its views known on issues such as abortion.
Speaking on Sunday evening at St Oliver Plunkett Church in
West Belfast for the FĂ©ile an Phobail celebrations, Archbishop Eamon Martin
warned that there are those “who would want the voice of faith and religion
relegated to the privacy of our homes and churches and kept far away from the
cut and thrust of public discourse.”
He emphasised that people of faith were not trying to create
some kind of church state, and cited the teachings of the Second Vatican
Council which make it clear that Catholics ought not to interfere with the
‘legitimate autonomy’ of socio-economic, political and cultural affairs.
But that does not mean that religion has no part to play in
the national conversation, Dr Martin said.
“Why shouldn’t a Catholic politician, or lawyer, or teacher,
or person of any profession for that matter, be able to confidently and
unapologetically express their sincerely held faith-based arguments in the
public square without fear of ridicule or being branded a bigot or against
freedom?”, he asked.
The Catholic leader challenged those who want to edge the
Church out of the public square on whether that was truly pluralist.
“Surely the mark of a truly pluralist society is one which
will allow people of all faiths and none to express and act upon their conscientiously
held views, particularly on a matter as critical as the upholding of all human
Above from and continued here:
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