We have an endless list of Saints who have left us with an incredible witness to the beauty of our faith and we rarely if ever hear about them. Instead many are more interested in reading the ideas and philosophies of dissident theologians and religious. We now see Yoga workshops in Catholic Monastic guesthouses, shamanism, circle dancing and all sorts of bizarre philosophies, we see liturgical dancing at Bishops Ordinations, homilies on Sundays (when they are given) which are useless because they offer absolutely nothing to souls out there who are starving for the Truth of the Gospel, all of this being entertained in so many of our Catholic Retreat Houses and our Churches before Christ Himself. We see Confessionals being taken down in Churches and we see Sunday Masses which have become too worldly and earthbound, reduced to a mere 15 - 20 minutes and everyone is out the door without a single word of thanksgiving to the King of Kings, the Redeemer and Saviour of the World who is going to meet them in person on the day of their passing from this earth. We see the teachings of the Church on the Eucharist and the Liturgy being flouted at Bishops ordination ceremonies where lay people distribute Holy Communion with an abundance of Priests and Bishops present and everybody stays quiet about it....Nothing said, nothing done. And we hear little or nothing about how one should be in a state of grace to receive the Lord of Lords in Holy Communion and how we desperately need the Sacrament of Confession. And souls are lost as I write...
We have to listen to the deafening silence of Bishops in the face of so much damage. The Lords hands are tied unless we go out and witness Him to others and bring souls back to Him, to the Sacraments for healing and renewal. And here we are dancing with useless garbage ideologies and philosophies while the Treasure lies there right in the Heart of our Church. The Holy Eucharist. Do you really think the Lord is going to remain silent on this ? Why do you think we see Churches closing, vocations down, Convents closing, suicide rates rising, alcohol and drug abuse rampant in our parishes ? Why do the Bishops allow such courses and heretical teachings to be given out to the laity in so many Catholic Religious Retreat houses and Churches in Ireland ? Why do they disregard the teachings of the Church on the Holy Mass especially with regard to the distribution of the Holy Eucharist ? Do they not realise that they have a duty to help and guide the sheep ? God help us.
I was at a wonderful conference at the weekend which was very uplifting the Faith of Our Fathers Conference in Kilkenny and the consistent cry from the speakers was 'we need leadership and courageous leadership at that'. I met so many wonderful groups doing great things on the ground and they are truly wonderful witnesses to the faith. God bless them for all they are doing to save souls and for the faithful Priests who suffer so much for the Church. They also need support and encouragement from the Hierarchy. I do not wish to criticise our Church but when souls are on the line here, you must speak out. It is absolutely essential that we get back to true Catholicism and that is the only hope and only way forward for our Church.
We have had enough of the rubbish and sentimental hogwash that is just destroying our Church. We need Christ, we need the Eucharist, the Sacraments, we need Jesus and He is everything. What else is there, and as St. Peter said 'Lord, to whom shall we go, You have the words of Eternal Life'.
Bishops help us, help us the Laity who wish to live out our Faith and be faithful to Jesus and to the Teachings of His Church. We need you and we pray for you.
Lord Jesus Christ help us today in our Church, give courage and wisdom to all our Bishops and help them to help us in the face of such trials, confusion and temptations in the world today. Help them to renew the Holy Mass, the Liturgy and for us to know our place as laity and to respect and love the Priesthood. Help us to allow the Priests to be who they were meant to be and not interfere with their Ministry to the people. Give us the grace to pray and do penance for them in the face of so much temptations and attack. Lord give us Holy Priests, You Yourself maintain them in holiness. Lord help us always to love our Church and help You in the work of salvation to save souls. Thank You Jesus for the great gift of Your Presence with us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Lord have mercy on us for not realising the great Gift that You have given us. Help us Lord to wake up and renew our lives in Prayer, the Study of our Faith and renew and refresh our tired, weary souls in the healing power of Confession, Your Tribunal of Mercy for all of us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us and bring us back on the Road to Salvation.
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