Below sections from Pope Benedict XVI's (now Emeritus) Letter to the Irish Church in 2010
7. To priests and religious who have abused children
You betrayed the trust that was placed in you by innocent
young people and their parents, and you must answer for it before Almighty God
and before properly constituted tribunals. You have forfeited the esteem of the
people of Ireland
and brought shame and dishonour upon your confreres. Those of you who are
priests violated the sanctity of the sacrament of Holy Orders in which Christ
makes himself present in us and in our actions. Together with the immense harm
done to victims, great damage has been done to the Church and to the public
perception of the priesthood and religious life.
I urge you to examine your conscience, take responsibility
for the sins you have committed, and humbly express your sorrow. Sincere
repentance opens the door to God’s forgiveness and the grace of true amendment.
By offering prayers and penances for those you have wronged, you should seek to
atone personally for your actions. Christ’s redeeming sacrifice has the power
to forgive even the gravest of sins, and to bring forth good from even the most
terrible evil. At the same time, God’s justice summons us to give an account of
our actions and to conceal nothing. Openly acknowledge your guilt, submit
yourselves to the demands of justice, but do not despair of God’s mercy.
11. To my brother bishops
It cannot be denied that some of you and your predecessors
failed, at times grievously, to apply the long-established norms of canon law
to the crime of child abuse. Serious mistakes were made in responding to
allegations. I recognize how difficult it was to grasp the extent and
complexity of the problem, to obtain reliable information and to make the right
decisions in the light of conflicting expert advice. Nevertheless, it must be
admitted that grave errors of judgement were made and failures of leadership
occurred. All this has seriously undermined your credibility and effectiveness.
I appreciate the efforts you have made to remedy past mistakes and to guarantee
that they do not happen again. Besides fully implementing the norms of canon
law in addressing cases of child abuse, continue to cooperate with the civil
authorities in their area of competence. Clearly, religious superiors should do
likewise. They too have taken part in recent discussions here in Rome
with a view to establishing a clear and consistent approach to these matters.
It is imperative that the child safety norms of the Church in Ireland
be continually revised and updated and that they be applied fully and
impartially in conformity with canon law.
Only decisive action carried out with complete honesty and
transparency will restore the respect and good will of the Irish people towards
the Church to which we have consecrated our lives. This must arise, first and
foremost, from your own self-examination, inner purification and spiritual
renewal. The Irish people rightly expect you to be men of God, to be holy, to
live simply, to pursue personal conversion daily. For them, in the words of Saint
Augustine , you are a bishop; yet with them you are
called to be a follower of Christ (cf. Sermon 340, 1). I therefore
exhort you to renew your sense of accountability before God, to grow in
solidarity with your people and to deepen your pastoral concern for all the
members of your flock. In particular, I ask you to be attentive to the
spiritual and moral lives of each one of your priests. Set them an example by
your own lives, be close to them, listen to their concerns, offer them
encouragement at this difficult time and stir up the flame of their love for
Christ and their commitment to the service of their brothers and sisters.
The lay faithful, too, should be encouraged to play their
proper part in the life of the Church. See that they are formed in such a way
that they can offer an articulate and convincing account of the Gospel in the
midst of modern society (cf. 1 Pet 3:15) and cooperate more fully in
the Church’s life and mission. This in turn will help you once again become
credible leaders and witnesses to the redeeming truth of Christ.
Prayer for the Church in Ireland
God of our fathers,
renew us in the faith which is our life and salvation,
the hope which promises forgiveness and interior renewal,
the charity which purifies and opens our hearts
to love you, and in you, each of our brothers and sisters.
renew us in the faith which is our life and salvation,
the hope which promises forgiveness and interior renewal,
the charity which purifies and opens our hearts
to love you, and in you, each of our brothers and sisters.
Lord Jesus Christ,
may the Church inIreland
renew her age-old commitment
to the education of our young people in the way of truth and goodness, holiness and generous service to society.
may the Church in
to the education of our young people in the way of truth and goodness, holiness and generous service to society.
Holy Spirit, comforter, advocate and guide,
inspire a new springtime of holiness and apostolic zeal
for the Church inIreland .
inspire a new springtime of holiness and apostolic zeal
for the Church in
May our sorrow and our tears,
our sincere effort to redress past wrongs,
and our firm purpose of amendment
bear an abundant harvest of grace
for the deepening of the faith
in our families, parishes, schools and communities,
for the spiritual progress of Irish society,
and the growth of charity, justice, joy and peace
within the whole human family.
our sincere effort to redress past wrongs,
and our firm purpose of amendment
bear an abundant harvest of grace
for the deepening of the faith
in our families, parishes, schools and communities,
for the spiritual progress of Irish society,
and the growth of charity, justice, joy and peace
within the whole human family.
To you, Triune God,
confident in the loving protection of Mary,
Queen of Ireland, our Mother,
and of Saint Patrick, Saint Brigid and all the saints,
do we entrust ourselves, our children,
and the needs of the Church inIreland .
confident in the loving protection of Mary,
Queen of Ireland, our Mother,
and of Saint Patrick, Saint Brigid and all the saints,
do we entrust ourselves, our children,
and the needs of the Church in
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all concerned and unite with the Sufferings of Jesus.
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