On the outside it looks just like any medicine box, with the
contents clearly printed on it: 59 intracordial pellets. Inside there is a
Rosary, an image of the merciful Christ with a caption that reads: “Jesus I
trust in you”, plus the usual instruction leaflet that comes with medicines.
This is what “Misericordina” is, the medicine kit Francis spoke about at
today’s Angelus. Thousands of boxes of this “spiritual medicine” were handed
out to pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square.
It is a special medicine to realize the fruits of the Year
of Faith, which is drawing to a close … it is a spiritual medicine. Do not
forget to take it, because it does us good: the heart, the soul, our whole
life!” the Pope said.
Today’s initiative was inspired by the Rosary distributed by
St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun and mystic who was canonized by John Paul
II in 2000. “It is a spiritual medicine called Misericordina . It is kept in a
box, which some volunteers will distribute as you leave the square. Take it: it
is a Rosary, with which you can pray the 'chaplet of Divine Mercy ‘, pearl of
our soul and spiritual help to spread love, forgiveness and brotherhood
everywhere. Do not forget to take it, because it does us good: the heart, the
soul, our whole life!” The efficiency of the medicine is guaranteed by Jesus’
The Pope outlined some situations in which the medicine
should be taken: “When we want sinners to convert”, when “we feel we need help
in taking a difficult decision,” or when we do not feel strong enough to resist
temptation, when we are not able to forgive someone or “we want to ask for
mercy for a dying person.”
The advice is to find “a quiet place, a room or a church,”
“kneel down” before the little picture of the Merciful Jesus – painted
according to Sister Faustina’s vision of him – and recite the prayers and set
lines of the Rosary using the Rosary beads.
The pious practice takes about 7 minutes and if one is
praying for “protection”, they should pray the Rosary at least once a day. The
process applies to children and adults alike. The illustrative leaflet explains
that there are no “side-effects”, that this practice is “compatible with other
prayers and that approaching the sacraments “improves the efficiency of the
Naturally, the idea of presenting Sister Faustina’s practice
as a medicine comes from Poland .
The “product” distributed today was produced and distributed by Widawnictwo sw
Stanislawa, a publishing house based in Krakow .
According to Pope Francis, the publicity received by this curious kit is a way
to impress in people’s minds the importance of the medicine of mercy which the
Pope has been referring to in all his speeches and homilies.
“For me, and I say this humbly, the strongest message of the
Lord is mercy," Francis had said in his homily for the mass celebrated in
the parish of St. Anna in the Vatican ,
on the first Sunday after his election as the Successor of Peter.
On that same day, after the Angelus, he made another
publicity spot for mercy: “In these days, I have been able to read a book by a
cardinal—Cardinal Kasper, a talented theologian, a good theologian—on mercy.
And it did me such good, that book, but don't think that I'm publicizing the
books of my cardinals. That is not the case! But it did me such good, so much
good... Cardinal Kasper said that hearing the word mercy changes everything. It
is the best thing that we can hear: it changes the world. A bit of mercy makes
the world less cold and more just. We need to understand God's mercy well, this
merciful Father who has such patience...”
Above post taken from: Vatican Insider - Pope Francis prescribes “Misericordina” to faithful
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