Penance, Prayer and Almsgiving for Lent as prescribed by the Church.
There seems to be an attitude creeping into Lent in some parts here in Ireland, where we are almost encouraged not to give up things, but to do good things instead. I would disagree entirely with this (unless of course you were unable to do penance by giving up certain foods for health reasons or age). We as Christians are always called to do good things at Lent and at every other time of the Year. Lent is a time of Penance and Prayer. My grandparents as did many others of their generation fasted a great deal during Lent and were very strict about it and they were farmers and in those days, all of the work was manual and very hard. So not only did they fast from certain foods during Lent, they also worked very hard in the fields and farmyards all day. We can really be quite selfish and lazy about it these days.
Words on Lent
Saint Cyril ofJerusalem (313-350), Bishop of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church
Catechesis before baptism, no.1, 1.5
Saint Cyril of
Catechesis before baptism, no.1, 1.5
Lent leads to baptism on Easter night for the forgiveness of
[“Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”] Now you who are about to be
baptized are already disciples of the New Covenant and participators in
Christ's mysteries have already made yourselves “a new heart and a new spirit”
to the joy of the inhabitants of heaven... You have set out on a good, a most
beautiful journey...: the only Son of God is all ready to redeem you. “Come,
all you who struggle beneath the weight of the burden,” he says, “and I will
give you rest.” You who are weighed down and afflicted by your sins, held in
the bonds of your faults, listen to the prophet: “Wash yourselves clean! Put
away your misdeeds from before my eyes” that the choir of angels may cry out to
you: “Happy those whose faults are taken away, whose sins are covered!”...
This is the time for confession. Confess the sins you have committed in word or deed, by day or by night. Confess during this “favorable time” and on “the day of salvation”; receive heaven's treasure... Rid yourself from all human preoccupations; attend to your soul... Leave the present behind and put your faith in the future...: “Be still, and know that I am God”... Purify your heart that you may receive even greater grace: forgiveness of sins is given equally to all but participation in the Holy Spirit is granted to each one according to the measure of their faith. If you give yourself little trouble, you will receive little. If you work hard, your reward will be great...If you have a grudge against anyone, forgive. You are coming to the baptistery to receive the forgiveness of your sins: you too must be indulgent towards sinners.
This is the time for confession. Confess the sins you have committed in word or deed, by day or by night. Confess during this “favorable time” and on “the day of salvation”; receive heaven's treasure... Rid yourself from all human preoccupations; attend to your soul... Leave the present behind and put your faith in the future...: “Be still, and know that I am God”... Purify your heart that you may receive even greater grace: forgiveness of sins is given equally to all but participation in the Holy Spirit is granted to each one according to the measure of their faith. If you give yourself little trouble, you will receive little. If you work hard, your reward will be great...If you have a grudge against anyone, forgive. You are coming to the baptistery to receive the forgiveness of your sins: you too must be indulgent towards sinners.
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