Marriage was instituted by God, not invented by man (cf. Catechism
of the Catholic Church, n.1603). The Creator has built it into human nature,
even into the human body, in its two complementary forms, male and female.
‘Male and female He created them’ (Gen.1: 27): man for woman, and woman for
man, united in marriage as ‘one flesh’ for the procreation of new life: ‘Be
fruitful and multiply’ (Gen. 1: 28).
God has given marriage its essential characteristics and
proper laws: unity (one man married to one woman); indissolubility (nothing
but death can end a marriage); and openness to procreation (in every act of
physical love). No president or religious leader, no senate or synod, nor any
government, has the authority to re-define marriage.
For the full statement go to:
fantastic words - the language of the Gospel which is indeed higher than any human philosophy or even that we can conceive.