Homily - Archbishop Charles Brown
Divine Mercy Sunday,
7 April 2013
Knock Shrine
“You believe because you
have seen me, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn 20:29 ).
Dear brothers and
sisters in Christ, it is a real joy for me to be with you here at this
beautiful shine of Our Lady on this afternoon of Divine Mercy Sunday, the
Sunday in the Octave of Easter, the Sunday in which the Church reads and
meditates upon the encounter between Jesus and Saint Thomas. We all know this
Gospel quite well; we have heard it proclaimed many times. Thomas was not
present when Jesus appeared to his disciples on the day of the resurrection,
and when Thomas hears their story, he does not believe it. It seems
incredible to him, impossible. He asks for proof. He wants
evidence. He wants certainty. In some ways, Thomas in our Gospel
today is similar to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, to whom the
angel Gabriel announced that his elderly wife Elizabeth would bear a child. Zechariah
did not believe the angel.
The Gospel of Saint Luke contrasts Zechariah’s
lack of faith with the pure, believing receptivity of Mary, the young woman of Nazareth . She believed the word spoken to
her by the angel and because of her belief, the “Word became flesh” (Jn 1:14 ) in her womb. In Zechariah’s case,
on the other hand, when he heard the news of his elderly wife’s pregnancy, he
responded to the angel: “how can I know this? (Lk 1:18). How can I be
certain? Like Thomas in our Gospel today, Zechariah wanted proof and
certainty before he would put his trust in the truth of what was revealed to
him by the angel. For Zechariah, his lack of belief leads to a period of
muteness. After his encounter with the angel, he is unable to speak;
unable to communicate properly with others.
And this is
hugely significant. It shows us the connection between believing or
trust, and communication. When there is a deficit of trust, communication
is undermined; it becomes difficult, if not impossible. We see this in
human affairs all the time. If we don’t have some form of trust in the
person who speaks to us, we will not believe the truth of their words.
Communication breaks down. We remain isolated in ourselves.

What is the
difference between the story of Zechariah and the story of Thomas? One
word alone answers that question and that word is mercy. Divine
Mercy has come in the person of Jesus Christ, God made man. That is the
difference. Zechariah represents the end of the old order, before the
coming of Jesus. Indeed Zechariah’s son, John the Baptist, will be the
one to announce the new reign of God’s mercy in Jesus Christ: it is John the
Baptist, Zechariah’s son, who will point to Jesus and say: “Behold the Lamb of
God; behold him who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29). Behold,
the Lamb of mercy. In today’s Gospel, Thomas encounters the Lamb of mercy
and the wound of Thomas’ unbelief is healed by the Lamb whose own wounds are
still evident, but whose wounds have been transformed into the sign of his
triumph over sin and death. He is the one whose sorrowful passion is the
source of mercy for us and for the whole world. In that moment, Thomas
moves from unbelief to belief, from doubt to faith, from sorrow to joy.
And he proclaims the central and indeed the highest content of our faith
when he says to Jesus: “My Lord and my God” (Jn 20:28 ).
The encounter
with God’s mercy makes Thomas a believer and, as a result, an apostle, in the
root sense of the word apostle as someone who is sent to carry a message
to others. Jesus says to him “Thomas, you believe because you have seen
me, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn 20:29 ). At that moment, Thomas becomes a
witness to his encounter with God’s mercy and he becomes a witness who will
bring the Faith to those who have not seen Jesus in the way that he has seen
him. There is an ancient and well-founded tradition that Saint Thomas,
after the moment which is recounted in our Gospel today, became the apostle to
the East, going first to Syria and then on to Persia (which is now Iran) and
finally on to India, where he brought the Catholic faith. The tradition
is that Saint
was martyred in the city in India that we today call Chennai, formerly Madras .
The same
dynamic which we see in the life of Saint Thomas needs to happen in our own lives as well.
Today in the celebration of Holy Mass, each of us is encountered by the
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The Lamb who appeared
on the side of the parish church here in Knock on that rainy evening in August
1879, the Lamb who in the Gospel today gives his apostles, his priests, the
power of his Holy Spirit to forgive sins in the sacrament of Confession.
It is crucially important that we who receive the mercy of the Lamb
through the sacrament of Confession and who receive his Body and his Blood in
the Mystery of the Eucharist become, like Saint Thomas , his apostles in our world today.
How to be an apostle? We don’t have to leave our home and go to India the way Saint Thomas did or, for that matter, the way
countless heroic Irish men and women have done as missionaries. We can be
apostles at home.

on the resurrection of Jesus during the General Audience last Wednesday in Rome , Pope Francis commented on this truth.
In the life of the Church, he said, it is “women who have had and have as
well today a particular role in opening doors to the Lord, in following him and
in transmitting [to others] the vision of his face, because the gaze of faith
always requires the simple and profound gaze of love. [After the
resurrection] the apostles and the disciples had a hard time believing, but not
the women…” (Pope Francis, General Audience, 3 April 2013 ). They believed. Saint
Faustina had that gaze of faith and love, which leads to knowledge and which
leads to mission.
All of us need to
be apostles in our own way. How? First, by encountering Jesus in
the sacraments, initially of course in Baptism, but then again and again in the
Holy Eucharist and in the Sacrament of his mercy, Confession. Second, by
growing in love and in knowledge of him and of his bride the Church by studying
our Catholic faith, principally by studying the great resource which is the Catechism
of the Catholic Church. And third, by carrying his message into our
world, wherever we are, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.
There is so much that we can do. Invite people who have abandoned
the faith to come back to the Church. Encourage young men and young women
to give themselves to Christ as priests and religious sisters; pray for
vocations. Defend courageously the sanctity of human life from the first
moment of conception in the womb; safeguard the right to life of mothers and
their unborn babies. Serve the poor and marginalized and uphold their
dignity. There are countless ways in which we can be apostles of Divine
mercy in our present world.
Jesus said
to Thomas: “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who
have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn 20:29 ). Thomas wanted proof. What
is the proof of Christianity for those who cannot see Jesus the way Thomas saw
him? Individual Christians. We are the proof of Christianity.
Christians who live their Catholic faith in a radiant and wholehearted
way; Christians like Matt Talbot, Edel Quinn and Sister Faustina Kowlaska.
They are the proof of Christianity. They are the ones who help
people who have not seen Jesus the way that Thomas did, to believe in him, to
love him and to serve him. Let us entrust ourselves and all our petitions
today to Mary, the woman of faith and love, the Mother of God, Our Lady of
Knock, Queen of Ireland.
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