He is considered one of the most learned men of his time and
a major influence on English literature. His writings are a veritable summary
of the learning of his time and include commentaries on the Pentateuch and
various other books of the Bible, theological and scientific treatises,
historical works, and biographies.
His best-known work is HISTORIA
ECCLESIASTICA, a history of the English
Church and people, which he
completed in 731. It is an account of Christianity in England
up to 729 and is a primary source of early English history. Called "the
Venerable" to acknowledge his wisdom and learning, the title was
formalized at the Council of Aachen in 853. He was a careful scholar and
distinguished stylist, the "father" of English history, the first to
date events anno domini (A.D.), and in 1899, was declared the only English doctor of
the Church. He died in Wearmouth-Jarrow on May 25.
His feast day is
May 25th.
Above from: Catholic.org - St. Bede the Venerable
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