something more positive to help young men to discern whether they are called to the Priesthood or not. The attitude in many circles is almost defeatist and ends up succumbing to the idea that lay people will have to provide 'services on a Sunday' and asking former Priests who are now married to return etc. But there is hardly a single reference in these circles to Praying for Vocations or to the actual setting up of Discernment groups for young men, which is vital. Many young men feel isolated in their faith journey as there may be little or no Catholic mens groups or other lay groups in their Parish where they feel they could join to explore their faith further or even pursue their vocation.
In the UK the numbers of Seminarians are rising, and we could ask why ? Perhaps they are actually doing more to help young people discern their vocation...instead of just giving up. I don't mean to criticise but we do need to help our young people come to know the great treasures of our faith and we should not deny them their right to know the love Jesus has for them and the possibilities for them in living out that journey of faith as a Catholic, and a true Catholic at that. Young people are not interested in a mediocre faith and the lukewarmness in some circles is quite tragic considering the beauty and goodness that living as a Catholic offers.
In the UK, the Catholic Church's Vocations Organisation have organised Invocation North, which will provide fellowship, catechesis, opportunities for confession, adoration, quiet reflection and discernment, as well as talks from keynote speakers. It takes place in Ampleforth Abbey in England from the 14th - 16th June and you can find out more about it here; UK Vocation.Org - Invocation North
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, who is Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy has a beautiful letter addressed to Seminarians which was given out yesterday on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus linked here;
Irish College Rome - Letter to Seminarians 7 June 2013
For anyone who is discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious life, I would recommend these sites;
UK Vocation.Org and also here; Archdiocese of Birmingham UK - Diocesan Vocations
And to get away from the noise and hustle and bustle around you, you can check out the Cistercian Monastery of Mount St. Josephs Abbey in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. They have a great guesthouse and beautiful grounds near the Church, where you can spend that quiet time necessary to hear the voice of the Lord...you can contact them at Mount St. Josephs, Cistercian Abbey, Roscrea
God bless you...Anne
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