Speaking at the National Shrine in Knock yesterday, Bishop
Denis Brennan criticised the lack of a free vote for TDs and said he had
"huge admiration" for those TDs, who despite "massive pressure
to toe the party line" had "voted and will vote with their conscience."
Meanwhile, the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland ,
Archbishop Charles Brown, was given prolonged applause by the packed church in Drogheda
as he recalled the words of Blessed John Paul II at Drogheda
in 1979 to remind the people of Ireland
of the inviolability of human life and the importance of conscience.
In his homily Archbishop Brown referred to the Irish
Constitution's "explicit guarantee" of the freedom of conscience to every
Separately, in Downpatrick, Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and
Connor hailed the courage of those TDs who refused to "bend to the weavers
of party political mantras".
Above from and full article here:
Irish Independent - Church may back other options to challenge bill – Brady
Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and Connor in his homily yesterday 7 July 2013 at Annual Celebration in Saul said the following;
I salute the members of the All-Party Pro-Life Group at
Stormont for their letter, published in The Irish Times on Tuesday past, 2
July, in which they signalled their concerns about abortion as a treatment for
suicidal ideation and their concern, which is shared, I am sure by many
citizens of the Republic of Ireland, of a whipped vote on the ultimate and
fundamental value of human life, particularly the life of the defenceless
As I salute the cross-border initiative of these MLAs , I
hail the courage of those TDs and the Minister of State, those men and women, in
Dail Eireann, who refuse to bend to weavers of party political mantras, who
recognise that the Taoiseach and the government have failed to engage with key
and substantive issues raised in reasoned comment from both grounds of pure
reason as well as on grounds linking human reason and Christian faith. They are
prepared to take a stand, at personal and professional cost, for ultimate
values and for policies commensurate with the intellectual refinement and
ethical sophistication of which the human imagination is capable in this
twenty-first century … and this on a fundamental ethical matter where Ireland
could give Christian witness and global leadership for the future. Let us keep
these and all TDs in our prayers in the coming days and weeks.
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