LifeSiteNews.com has obtained an e-mail from a correspondent
in Ireland sent
by Fr. Michael C. Toner, diocesan secretary, that clarified the cardinal “had
given him no assurances whatsoever and making clear the teaching of the Church
as outlined by Blessed John Paul II in the Gospel of Life(Evangelium Vitae).”
LifeSiteNews.com also confirmed the information with the
executive director of the Council for Communications of the Irish Catholic
Bishops’ Conference. Fr. Tim Bartlett said in an e-mail, “What I can confirm is
that when Cardinal Brady read the reports of Mr Barry’s comments on his first
letter, he was taken aback and wrote to him again to make it clear that no such
assurances had been given or could be taken from his first letter and reminding
him of the relevant aspects of Evangelium Vitae in terms of the grave and
unmistakable responsibility on Catholic politicians when such legislation is
Barry had told the Irish Examiner that he had
written to both Brady and the papal nuncio, Charles Brown, and the cardinal had
assured him he had nothing from an ecclesiastical point of view to worry about
for supporting the bill.
“I received responses from both,” Barry told the Examiner.
“But in particular, Cardinal Brady’s letter was very decent, telling me not be
to be concerned but outlining his and the Church’s views on the matter.”
The papal encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, by Pope John
Paul II, prohibits any Catholic politician from supporting legislation that
liberalizes abortion laws, and the Church’s Code of Canon Law specifically
states that those “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be
admitted to holy communion.” The encyclical says that “a person who actually
procures an abortion incurs automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication”..
“The excommunication affects all those who commit this crime
with knowledge of the penalty attached, and thus includes those accomplices
without whose help the crime would not have been committed,” the encyclical
In his letter to US bishops in 2004, the former Cardinal
Ratzinger wrote that politicians, who were at the time in a campaign for the
presidency, “must” be refused Communion if they persist in supporting abortion
legislation after receiving due instruction from the clergy.
Monsignore Ignacio Barreiro, head of the Rome
office of Human Life International, told LifeSiteNews.com that the threat
of the abortion bill is only a symptom of the longer-term erosion of Catholic
Christian life and belief in Ireland .
He said that the immediate cause of the bill having been
brought forward, has been the shock of the sexual abuse scandals, and the loss
of prestige of the Church that resulted. The larger, longer-term cause,
however, has been the more general crisis of faith and moral values that
followed the Second Vatican Council II in the 1960s. What is needed, he said,
is more than just pro-life political campaigns against this or that piece of
legislation or immediate threat, but a massive “re-evangelization” of Ireland .
Above from and Continued here: LifeSite News - Irish Cardinal: ‘No assurance’ politicians who vote to legalize abortion won’t be excommunicated
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