Shortly afterward, his exemplary young man came to
the realization that he had a religious vocation and, aided by our Lady's
appearance to him, joined the Society of Jesus, being ordained in
1567. For three years he labored unstintingly at Naples ,
devoting himself wholeheartedly to the service of the poor and the youth, and
then he was sent to Lecce where
he remained for the last forty-two years of his life.
St. Bernardino won widespread recognition as a result of his
ceaseless apostolic labors. He was a model confessor, a powerful preacher, a
diligent teacher of the Faith to the young, a dedicated shepherd of
souls, as well as Rector of the Jesuit college in Lecce and Superior of
the Community there. His charity to the poor and the sick knew no bounds and
his kindness brought about the end of vendettas and public scandals that
cropped up from time to time.
So greatly was this saint loved and appreciated by his
people that in 1616, as he lay on his death bed the city's magistrates formally
requested that he should take the city under his protection. Unable to speak,
St. Bernardino bowed his head. He died with the names of Jesus and Mary on
his lips. His feast day is July 2nd
Above from: Catholic.org - St. Bernardino Realino
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