Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How a Doctor called him a 'freak' and how God called him to Serve His Church

I just thought I would share this most beautiful story with you as it is so uplifting and shows what true love is about, the love of Parents for their little unborn child and how Gods love works through us and how He can work miracles in our lives if we allow Him to; 

This story comes from the online magazine 'Catholic Spirit' from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis; Catholic Spirit - Abort my child? No way, says bishop-elect’s mom

This is a section of the story here and you can go then to the link for the full story above; 

The drama began during Judy’s fifth month of pregnancy. She was teaching part time at a Catholic school in Connecticut. Her stomach hurt, and she figured she was getting the stomach flu that had been going around the school.

“Then, all of a sudden, I realized I’m getting my pains every five minutes, and I realized I was in labor,” she said. “So, Jack met me at the hospital and we went in. I almost lost [the baby], but they stopped the labor.”

She felt relief, but only momentarily. The tension over her son’s condition skyrocketed the following morning when the doctor came in to talk to her about what was happening.

“He said, ‘You’re carrying a deformed fetus, and you need to not continue with the pregnancy’” she said. “And, I said, ‘What do you mean? This is my baby.’ And, he said, ‘No, you don’t understand. You’re carrying a freak, and you shouldn’t continue with this pregnancy.’

Continued at link above

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