Explaining indulgences and practices Catholics can do during
the month of November for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

On November 1st the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All
Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation, honoring all those faithful in heaven. Throughout
November the Church also remembers our Faithful Departed. The need and duty of
prayer for the departed souls has been acknowledged by the Church at all times.
It is recommended in the Scriptures of the Old Testament: "It is therefore
a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from
sins."(2 Macch. 12, 46). This duty has found expression not only in public
and private prayers but especially in the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass for the repose of souls.
Throughout November the Church prays for all who are in the
purifying fires of Purgatory, waiting for the day when they will join the
company of the saints in heaven. The celebration of Mass is the highest means
the Church can provide for charity for the dead, but we can also relieve their
sufferings through our prayers, sufferings and penances. We can also help the
Poor Souls by doing acts and prayers that have indulgences attached to them.
There are many indulgences, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, that can
be obtained during the month of November.
The above is from Culture.Org and is continued here: Catholic Culture.Org - Praying for the Dead and Gaining Indulgences
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